Jasper’s Blog

Alien Ink

Those you you who haven’t yet jumped on board Alien Ink, Channel 4’s first ground breaking on-line comic for young adults, really ought to do so right now. Particularly if…

Dark Deeds, Dark Words, Dark Markets

I recently had the good fortune to be interviewed by silver scream queen and inveterate blogger Lorna D Keach. The resulting conversation can be found here: http://darkmarkets.com/2010/06/interview-jasper-bark Please go and…

Reanimated Conversation

I had the extreme pleasure of being grilled by the highly talented horror author Joseph De Lacey recently. You can see the results of our intense mental struggle over at…


If you are among the million or so people who can’t possibly conceive how they once coped without an i-pad. Or one of the even larger horde of proud i-phone…